Saturday, July 16, 2011

Being Faithful to the First to Receive the Second

All throughout the book of Hebrews you see and hear about faith. How Abraham was faithful and Noah..the list goes on. The thing we lack today as a generation is faithfulness. We are unable to even comprehend that God is able to do impossible, to meet the need, or to keep His promises.

After an awesome camp meeting God has sent a struggle my way to test my faith in Him. To test if I will hold on to the promise He gave me and the dreams He has showed me. I believe I have received a word that you must be faithful to your FIRST love so that you can receive your SECOND love.

In the story of Abraham and Sarah we see that they are unable to have children. Something that Sarah longed after and wanted so badly. She was desperate to receive her second love and her husband stood by her side through this struggle. God one day told Abraham that his wife, Sarah, would be with child. Sarah doubted this because she was at an old age. She was about 90 yrs old and that was completely unheard of. She was barren and 90...she couldnt have children! But God stepped in and proved the miraculous! Abraham and Sarah had to have faith in God, their FIRST love, that they would recieve their SECOND love, which was to have a child.

We look at the story of Moses. When he came to the age of realization of who he was and how Egypt had the people of Israel in captivity. He didn't agree what was going on! He did not think it was right to hold the people of Israel as slaves. God told him that he would lead the people out of Egypt. Moses doubted that he could BUT he listened to his first love. After many tries and plagues the people of Israel finally were free! Moses had to be faithful to his FIRST love to receive his SECOND love, which was seeing the people of Israel free from Egypt.
There are plenty of other stories that I could go into. My point is that we need to be faithful to our first love to receive out second. Whether its wanting to have a child, you need to be  faithful to the FIRST receive the SECOND. If you love a person and know your meant to be, you need to be faithful to the FIRST ,God, to recieve the second.
Whatever the situation is we are always going to have some kind of doubt arise. We may think its not gonna happen or how could God put this together?? BUT if you rely on HIM and put your FAITH in Him, you will recieve your second love. Hold on to the promises He gave, the dreams He gave, and the people He put in your life. He WILL put it together and do what YOU think is the impossible.

Romans 4:20-21
20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

God Bless and keep the faith!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Forgettin Where We Came From

Alright, let's get right into this!

Last month I did a study on the book of Judges and it was fascinating to me! God has so much mercy and grace upon us! From back then even until now!

Within the first chapters of the book of Judges you see how much turmoil Israel got themselves into. They went through a numerous amount of kings! Every time they had a king they did good and then when they lost that king, for one reason or another, they went back to their old ways. It was as if they forgot where they came from.

God even tells Israel that if you do this then I will deliver these people into your hands. They did not listen, they forgot who their King was.

Many times today we often forget who our King is. We forget where he brought us from and we forget who we use to be. We do good for a while and then we jump right back on that fence and play with the things of this world.

We need to realize who we were and who are ARE now. We need to remember that not by our power but by God's GRACE! It says in the Bible that when you know the truth and go back to the world, its like a dog going back to its vomit.

God has done so much for us..but are we returning the favor? Are we truly giving our all to God? Israel had what they thought should be done, or what they should be doing but God had a different plan. Maybe we think we should be doing this or that and maybe God is standing there saying thats not MY will.

We need not to forget where we came from and who is our King!

God Bless,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are you in deep or are you laying on the surface?

Yet another word and yet another blog.

This is something that has been on my heart lately. Recently some things have happened and I have seen friends and others slip away from God. This has caused me to wonder are we in deep or are we just laying on the surface?

Many times we as young people can get caught up in the "social" part of church. We have friends who go there and we base our goings on theirs. We don't go deep enough in this, we just lay on the surface. We as young people need to find a love for God. A TRUE genuine love. We need not to look at this as a game or a social club. Ask yourself, if my friends all quit church..would I still be here? Maybe you and God need to evaluate that.

I was always taught that if you live for God hard, it's gonna be easy and if you live for God easy, its gonna be hard. Remember, God never said it would be easy..we shall be persecuted for His name sake. People will hate us because of who we are. Are we in deep enough to handle that? Are we in deep enough to resist this world and say "I am standing my ground and I shall not be moved!" Our love for God should trump all. This isn't just a nursery school game...this is a heaven or hell issue.  It is the last days and we need to step up as christians and grow and PUSH deeper into this walk with God.

If you want a new years "resolution" make it that you go deeper than EVER before. That you LOVE God more than you EVER have. That you make this truth your passion and your desire and your stable ground. If we continue to lay on the surface eventually we are gonna dry out. We need to keep ourselves drenched in the word of God! We need the spiritual waters to be rising every day. We need to go DEEPER.

So this year when you ask yourself "what is my goal?" are you going to go deeper or just lay on the surface?


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tug of Heart

Last night I was watching a show that really touched me and made me think! I was watching the teennick HALO awards. It's an award show that showcases 4 teens who are making a difference in this world. They use to the word HALO as representation for Helping and Leading Others. Now when you think of a teennick show you really don't think of seeing something like this. I wasn't so much amazed at the fact that teennick had a show like this, but I was amazed at the teens on the show!

They started out with a girl, about 18, who started beauty pagents for girls with special needs or disabilities. Next, was a young man, about 17, who was originally from Haiti and through facebook and twitter helped locate and help people who were involved in the terrible earthquake. Then, they had another young man, about 18, who went to Ghona with a program group and seen that they were selling children as slaves. He wanted to change that and he now raises money for an organization against human trafficing. It's a passion of his. Finally, they had another young lady, about 19, who was in the foster care sytem since she was 12. She was an emotional wreck and thought that it was her fault because of where she was. She joined a group in the foster care system that changed her life. She then knew that she wanted others to know about this group because it helped her so much. A year after she has been out of the foster care system she is the PRESIDENT of that same group that helped her.

You're probably thinking where is she going with this? This is my tug of heart..if they can do it why can't we? We are young, Holy Ghost filled, Pentecostal youth! We can make a difference in this world if we only let it become our PASSION! We need to show this world the love of Jesus! Last night when I was watching this I caught myself crying and thinking "God why can't we have that passion?". The only problem is..we CAN have this passion but we sit on it. If we would get a love for souls, caring for others, and a passion for the kingdom we can change our world! It doesn't take much!

If you want some ways to help, go through your canned goods. If you find out there's stuff in there you never use or never will use, bag it up and give it to a homeless shelter. Help an old lady carry groceries. Shovel your neighbors sidewalk without them having to ask. Make blankets for a homeless or womens shelter. Put some change in the salvation army can. These things may not seem big but one random act of kindness can show this world that we are different! If we can reach people and show them that we care, then we can show them Jesus. If we are selfish and nasty to people their not going to want to get to know us. Their not going to want to hear us out about how AWESOME Jesus really is. In Matthew 25 it says: 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

   40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
   41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
   44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
   45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

God sees all that we do. Even the little things that we don't think matter He sees and recognizes.

We are NEVER to young to make a difference! The world around you isn't going to change if your not willing to step up and change it. We used to have a slogan "World Changers", lets not let that only be a slogan but let it be the story of this generation. Let this generation be World Changers. Be the change you want to see in this world. We as Pentecostals have a call to reach this world. By reaching this world we can change this world. The last chapter in the book of Matthew tells us to go out into ALL the world.

So, what are we waiting for? God has done so much for us and changed our lives so much, its now time for us to pass it on and show others a God who can change them.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Something New :)

Hey everyone!

Just want to say welcome to my blog! This is the first of many!

A couple months ago I was talking to God and realizing that youth is a burden of mine, especially the youth of this generation. I was thinking of ways to handle this and do something about it. Then I remembered something. I remembered how much I love reading blogs and articles about different aspects in the Bible and how much they encouraged me. I began to talk to God and realize this was something I could do!

My goal and point of starting these blogs is to encourage the youth of my generation! I know the things of life and of this world can get us down and sometimes we just need a pick-me-up. I feel this is a way for me to use what God has given me! I hope to get in atleast one blog a month. The purpose of the blogs is to encourage and let God lead me where He may.

We are always told as youth to step out and be different. This blog is for those who dare to be different. Who dare to stand out for Jesus and follow the purpose and call He has for your life. This is for those Jesus fanatics! :) I don't promise to be great or something special, but all the glory goes to God! When we step out we risk ridicule and hardships and when we start something new it can be scary. This is something new but I'm willing to do my best to try to encourage the youth to keep pushing on for Christ and never give up!

We are Youth for Christ, let's show this world the light of Jesus!

"I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!"
