Saturday, March 5, 2011

Forgettin Where We Came From

Alright, let's get right into this!

Last month I did a study on the book of Judges and it was fascinating to me! God has so much mercy and grace upon us! From back then even until now!

Within the first chapters of the book of Judges you see how much turmoil Israel got themselves into. They went through a numerous amount of kings! Every time they had a king they did good and then when they lost that king, for one reason or another, they went back to their old ways. It was as if they forgot where they came from.

God even tells Israel that if you do this then I will deliver these people into your hands. They did not listen, they forgot who their King was.

Many times today we often forget who our King is. We forget where he brought us from and we forget who we use to be. We do good for a while and then we jump right back on that fence and play with the things of this world.

We need to realize who we were and who are ARE now. We need to remember that not by our power but by God's GRACE! It says in the Bible that when you know the truth and go back to the world, its like a dog going back to its vomit.

God has done so much for us..but are we returning the favor? Are we truly giving our all to God? Israel had what they thought should be done, or what they should be doing but God had a different plan. Maybe we think we should be doing this or that and maybe God is standing there saying thats not MY will.

We need not to forget where we came from and who is our King!

God Bless,

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