Saturday, January 8, 2011

Are you in deep or are you laying on the surface?

Yet another word and yet another blog.

This is something that has been on my heart lately. Recently some things have happened and I have seen friends and others slip away from God. This has caused me to wonder are we in deep or are we just laying on the surface?

Many times we as young people can get caught up in the "social" part of church. We have friends who go there and we base our goings on theirs. We don't go deep enough in this, we just lay on the surface. We as young people need to find a love for God. A TRUE genuine love. We need not to look at this as a game or a social club. Ask yourself, if my friends all quit church..would I still be here? Maybe you and God need to evaluate that.

I was always taught that if you live for God hard, it's gonna be easy and if you live for God easy, its gonna be hard. Remember, God never said it would be easy..we shall be persecuted for His name sake. People will hate us because of who we are. Are we in deep enough to handle that? Are we in deep enough to resist this world and say "I am standing my ground and I shall not be moved!" Our love for God should trump all. This isn't just a nursery school game...this is a heaven or hell issue.  It is the last days and we need to step up as christians and grow and PUSH deeper into this walk with God.

If you want a new years "resolution" make it that you go deeper than EVER before. That you LOVE God more than you EVER have. That you make this truth your passion and your desire and your stable ground. If we continue to lay on the surface eventually we are gonna dry out. We need to keep ourselves drenched in the word of God! We need the spiritual waters to be rising every day. We need to go DEEPER.

So this year when you ask yourself "what is my goal?" are you going to go deeper or just lay on the surface?



  1. awesome girl! reading this stirs my spirit:) miss ya!!!

  2. This truly spoke to my heart. And it's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for posting this!

  3. WoW! This is absolutely AWESOME! Reminds me of Ezekiel, "water deep enough to swim in"

    Praise God and GO DEEPER!
