Saturday, July 16, 2011

Being Faithful to the First to Receive the Second

All throughout the book of Hebrews you see and hear about faith. How Abraham was faithful and Noah..the list goes on. The thing we lack today as a generation is faithfulness. We are unable to even comprehend that God is able to do impossible, to meet the need, or to keep His promises.

After an awesome camp meeting God has sent a struggle my way to test my faith in Him. To test if I will hold on to the promise He gave me and the dreams He has showed me. I believe I have received a word that you must be faithful to your FIRST love so that you can receive your SECOND love.

In the story of Abraham and Sarah we see that they are unable to have children. Something that Sarah longed after and wanted so badly. She was desperate to receive her second love and her husband stood by her side through this struggle. God one day told Abraham that his wife, Sarah, would be with child. Sarah doubted this because she was at an old age. She was about 90 yrs old and that was completely unheard of. She was barren and 90...she couldnt have children! But God stepped in and proved the miraculous! Abraham and Sarah had to have faith in God, their FIRST love, that they would recieve their SECOND love, which was to have a child.

We look at the story of Moses. When he came to the age of realization of who he was and how Egypt had the people of Israel in captivity. He didn't agree what was going on! He did not think it was right to hold the people of Israel as slaves. God told him that he would lead the people out of Egypt. Moses doubted that he could BUT he listened to his first love. After many tries and plagues the people of Israel finally were free! Moses had to be faithful to his FIRST love to receive his SECOND love, which was seeing the people of Israel free from Egypt.
There are plenty of other stories that I could go into. My point is that we need to be faithful to our first love to receive out second. Whether its wanting to have a child, you need to be  faithful to the FIRST receive the SECOND. If you love a person and know your meant to be, you need to be faithful to the FIRST ,God, to recieve the second.
Whatever the situation is we are always going to have some kind of doubt arise. We may think its not gonna happen or how could God put this together?? BUT if you rely on HIM and put your FAITH in Him, you will recieve your second love. Hold on to the promises He gave, the dreams He gave, and the people He put in your life. He WILL put it together and do what YOU think is the impossible.

Romans 4:20-21
20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

God Bless and keep the faith!

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