Monday, December 6, 2010

Something New :)

Hey everyone!

Just want to say welcome to my blog! This is the first of many!

A couple months ago I was talking to God and realizing that youth is a burden of mine, especially the youth of this generation. I was thinking of ways to handle this and do something about it. Then I remembered something. I remembered how much I love reading blogs and articles about different aspects in the Bible and how much they encouraged me. I began to talk to God and realize this was something I could do!

My goal and point of starting these blogs is to encourage the youth of my generation! I know the things of life and of this world can get us down and sometimes we just need a pick-me-up. I feel this is a way for me to use what God has given me! I hope to get in atleast one blog a month. The purpose of the blogs is to encourage and let God lead me where He may.

We are always told as youth to step out and be different. This blog is for those who dare to be different. Who dare to stand out for Jesus and follow the purpose and call He has for your life. This is for those Jesus fanatics! :) I don't promise to be great or something special, but all the glory goes to God! When we step out we risk ridicule and hardships and when we start something new it can be scary. This is something new but I'm willing to do my best to try to encourage the youth to keep pushing on for Christ and never give up!

We are Youth for Christ, let's show this world the light of Jesus!

"I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!"
